
Free 30 minute call

I want to be able to help as many people as I can and sometimes all people need is a nudge. Someone to make them feel heard. Well I see you, I hear you, I am ready to listen.

I invite you to join me for a call, with no obligation to take it any further. I would be honoured to listen and provide support if I can.

One to one coaching – 60 minutes – £45

What are your goals? Are you feeling stuck? Lost? Disconnected from yourself?

I have spent years feeling that way and after many people teaching me and showing me the way, I have discovered my wellbeing is key.

In these sessions, we will discuss your goals and how you are taking care of your wellbeing. We will focus in on how you can do more to come back to yourself, reconnect and make time for your wellbeing.

I will be your champion, your cheerleader and your accountability buddy. I can teach you the ways I have learned to prioritise my own wellbeing and I will be a safe space for you to talk about your worries.

I cannot wait to join you on your wellbeing journey!

Coming soon…

I am working on something super exciting! If you would like to be contacted when it’s live, drop your email below and hit submit!

(this is absolutely my way of holding myself accountable to actually do it!)